Product Description
We offer dairy cows: incalv,inmilk , 28 - 32 litre milk , TOP quality.
Holsteins (also known as Holstein-Friesian cattle or Friesian cattle) are a breed of cattle known today as the world's highest-production dairy animal. Originating in Europe.
Holsteins have distinctive markings and outstanding milk production. They are large, black-and-white marked animals that can be anywhere from mostly black to mostly white, or they can also be red and white.
A healthy calf weighs 40 to 45 kg or more at birth. A mature Holstein cow typically weighs 580 kg, and stands 147 cm (58 inches) tall at the shoulder. Holstein heifers should be bred by 15 months of age, when they weigh over 360 kg. Generally, breeders plan for Holstein heifers to calve for the first time between 23 and 26 months of age.